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Category Archives: Success

How to create micro-habits in order to reach macro goals image
4 mins

Featured Lifestyle Success

How to create micro-habits in order to reach macro goals

When it comes to our daily lives, we like to believe that we’re in control. That we’re making conscious choices and thus shaping the events and outcomes which follow. It’s natural that we want to feel this way – to see ourselves as masters of our own lives is empowering. But unfortunately, it’s rarely entirely true.

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Five ways to combat groupthink while working remotely image
3 mins

Mind Mapping Quick Tips Success

Five ways to combat groupthink while working remotely

Groupthink has long been a challenge for teams looking to be creative. The term refers to a psychological…

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Rekindling the creative sparks of teams in 2022 image
4 mins

Quick Tips Success

Rekindling the creative sparks of teams in 2022

2022 is officially here and in full swing! As such, there’s no better time to take stock and create new, positive habits. It’s hard to believe that most of us have almost lived through two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, a global event which has changed the nature of teamwork in ways we never could have foreseen.

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Mind map of a product: 9 tips for a winning product plan image
6 mins

Ayoa Mind Mapping Success

Mind map of a product: 9 tips for a winning product plan

So, you have a great product that you can’t wait to get out on the market. However, your…

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Leadership mind map with Justin Miles image
3 mins

Case Studies Success

Leadership mind map with Justin Miles

“Mind maps break down the most complex of problems into core components. That’s why it works so well…

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Individual Work Vs Teamwork image
6 mins

Organize Productivity Success

Individual Work Vs Teamwork

*PLEASE NOTE – iMindMap and DropTask are now the web-based software, Ayoa. Ayoa is an all-in-one whiteboard tool…

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