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Are you a DSA or workplace needs assessor or professional working with clients who struggle to organise their thoughts due to disabilities?

Ayoa is available through both the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA) and Access to Work (AtW) scheme.

Ayoa assessors

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Flora testimonial Quote icon

One of my favourite features is the idea bank, as very often students will advise they have ideas but don’t know where they fit in their plan – so they can store them all in the idea bank until they find the most relevant section to link them to. I have also found students respond well to the task boards, as it enables them to keep track of projects, deadlines and their progress on each – particularly useful for those completing dissertations or thesis.

Flora, Needs Assessor


Davey Jones avatar
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Looking for assistance? Meet Davey, our relationship manager, who brings years of experience as a former Needs Assessor. Reach out, and he’ll gladly assist with any questions and support for your clients and assessments.

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