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June 7, 2017

Case study: why vital details never get missed for Katherine Flores

by ayoaredux posted in Case Studies.

Ayoa | Case study: why vital details never get missed for Katherine Flores
As a member of the Customer Relationship Management team for Telecommunications and Cyber Security company VPNet Inc, Katherine Flores was looking for a task management system that wasn’t ‘stiff’ or ‘boxy’, like others she’d tried.

Going against workspace norms, Katherine moved away from the company’s traditional way of managing tasks, in the hopes of finding a tool that looked and worked in the way she wanted it to. Drawn to its visual nature, Katherine found DropTask’s [Ayoa]* intuitive way of managing tasks intriguing, and her and the rest of the team have been hooked ever since.


Katherine says: “While other applications I’ve worked with in the past give you never-ending lists, DropTask’s [Ayoa] alternative way of displaying information provides me with an eye-catching view of all the work I need to complete. The app’s UI is a pretty big selling point and was something that I was drawn to right from the beginning, as DropTask [Ayoa] allows me to break things down as far as I want to without losing the big picture overview. I can’t emphasize enough how simple the tool is to use. Whenever a new employee is added to the company, all I have to do is introduce them to the application and the rest is self-explanatory. You simply log in and can instantly begin updating your projects, it really is that straightforward.


While working at ‘VPNet Inc.’, DropTask [Ayoa] has kept me on top of all the roles I’ve ever had. One of the things I do on a daily basis are portabilities. This task requires transferring a client’s number from their current provider, to ours. This process has various steps that are always the same. To save time, I have created a Template Project called ‘Portabilities’ that includes various Categories (phases) the client will go through, and within these categories I have tasks that include all of the necessary steps to complete the port.


If I’m at a step that requires an answer or document on behalf of the client, I set Reminders to follow-up if we haven’t received anything after a certain amount of days. With my self-proclaimed horrible memory, reminders are a necessity. If things seem to be at a stall, I can Invite Members to the project and Assign a sales representative to the task and have them follow-up with the client. In addition to this, if any forms are missing, I can Attach Files directly to the task for easy access for other members.

Our projects are completed in stages and this is done effortlessly with the use of DropTask [Ayoa], as we have everything we need in one place. Like most companies, various departments are involved in accomplishing an end goal. Being able to run all of these steps and procedures through DropTask [Ayoa] is a huge advantage, specifically when it comes to communication. Without DropTask [Ayoa], one step can easily become a huge email thread that goes back and forth and by the end of it, no action has taken place. DropTask [Ayoa] gives us a way to determine an owner for each action, a way to follow-up on this person and an easy way to view updates. Something that may have stalled for days – or even weeks, is now being completed in less than a week.


DropTask [Ayoa] has given me a much more visual platform with its simple and effective UI system, which I have failed to find in other competitor tools. Now, I can literally make my tasks disappear when they’re completed. There’s a much greater sense of accomplishment for me when I see my Completed Tasks just ‘poof’ away. I think a lot of people underestimate that effect. There’s so many more details and options for me to organize myself and prioritize my work. Details that may have been lost throughout are now visible and easily found within the Comments of a task. And as a team, we’ve gained so much more valuable working time, as we’re no longer trying to contact employees to find out a piece of information, because now it’s simply found within the task.’

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*DropTask has now become Ayoa. Ayoa has the same great task management capabilities that DropTask provided, with the added benefits of innovative and creative Mind Mapping tools to aid your brainstorming. Find out more about Ayoa’s full features and pricing plans.

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