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April 23, 2017

How organizations are using Mind Mapping to stimulate business growth

by ayoaredux posted in Case Studies.

Ayoa | How organizations are using Mind Mapping to stimulate business growth
How has Mind Mapping helped start-ups to multinationals flourish?

Hear from the organizations themselves, from booming start-ups to global heavyweights, how they are using Mind Mapping to organize and implement projects, set and manage goals, generate ideas and much more. We talked with individuals and teams within four organizations, to find out how they use Mind Mapping to help their company thrive.

Case Study Grad Asia


Entrepreneur Toby Fenn created his company, Grad-Asia, to bridge the gap between recently graduated talent in the West with emerging opportunities in the East. Mind Mapping played an important role in driving task allocation, project planning, collaboration, and in monitoring business activities during the start-up phase. Daily, Mind Mapping helps Toby to capture and communicate a visually stimulating and detailed overview of all the new client roles to graduates.

One good example is a conference call. Of course, this might not always work for calls involving many people or those more senior than you, but for smaller work calls or those one-on-one call meetings, talking on speaker in the car is a good way of freeing up time for yourself later in the day.

“iMindMap [Ayoa] allows us to manage our day to day tasks in an informative, creative and effective manner.”– Toby Fenn, Entrepreneur, Grad-Asia.

Case Study Rocky Road Institute

Rocky Mountain Institute

The Rocky Mountain Institute is an independent, non-profit organization with offices across America and in Beijing. Their goal is to create a clean and secure low-carbon future within the commercial building sector. Craig Schiller, an Associate within the company, focuses on scaling energy efficiency. Condensing his thoughts in one accessible place, and keeping his tasks and teams on track, are an essential part of this. When written lists and paper systems failed him, Mr Schiller tried Mind Mapping. Impressed with how simple and fun Mind Mapping was to use, he now uses it regularly to gather deadlines, workflows and crucial project information in one location.

“The largest benefit of iMindMap [now Ayoa] is to quickly list, sort, and group tasks or thoughts. Plus, it’s simple and fun to use.” – Craig Schiller, Associate, Rocky Mountain Institute.

Case Study Nitro


The development team at the productivity software company, Nitro used Mind Mapping to help organize and develop the launch of their product; Nitro Pro. The development team toyed with Mind Maps at first by sketching ideas on paper. Their drawings were too simple and not as polished as they were hoping. Dusan, Nitro’s developer, found that by using a Mind Mapping app, he could create not only a more comprehensive, but a more organized and visually pleasing map. Now the team regularly turn to Mind Mapping, using it as a visual checklist to test their software and ensure they don’t miss any crucial information.

“iMindMap [Ayoa] was simple to learn. I understood how to use 90% of the features within 20 minutes, leaving me little reason to search for an alternative.”- Nitro, Productivity Software Company.

Case Study Nitro

Goal International Humanitarian Agency

GOAL is a non-governmental and non-political humanitarian organisation, dedicated to ensuring those living in severe poverty have access to their essential needs and rights. Vicky Aken, the agency’s Country Director for Syria, relies on iMindMap [Ayoa] to co-ordinate the operations and issues that the agency handle. Day-to-day, Mind Mapping helps her to consolidate information and organise the weekly responsibilities of every department to ensure they stay on track.

“I can tell at a glance where to focus my efforts for the week rather than wading through the 1000+ emails or spending hours staring at an Excel sheet.” – Vicky Aken, Country Director for Syria, GOAL.

Special thanks to Rocky Mountain Institute, Grad-Asia, Nitro and GOAL for letting us know how they use Mind Mapping!

Mind Mapping is just one of the great features Ayoa offers to help you work better and supercharge your creative thinking. To find out more, see Ayoa’s full features.

Already an Ayoa user? If you have a case study that you would like to share with us, we would love to hear from you. Just email us at contact@ayoa.com.

*iMindMap has now become Ayoa. Ayoa combines the best of iMindMap’s Mind Mapping capabilities with Task Management and Instant Messaging to help you do your best work. Find out more about Ayoa’s full features and pricing plans.

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