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October 18, 2016

10 innovative ways to stay motivated at work

by ayoaredux posted in Productivity.

Ayoa | 10 innovative ways to stay motivated at work
At DropTask [now Ayoa], we pride ourselves on being an innovative crew.

Our all-visual task management tool is the only one of its kind and packs a powerful productivity punch, and we operate from a really cool, hi-tech space in Wales – Tec Marina. Lately, we’ve been thinking a lot about motivation and the different ways we keep ourselves geared up throughout the day or week. In this post, we’ll be sharing some of our most innovative tips to help you stay motivated (and productive) at work.

Find a personal ‘why’

Trick yourself into doing a task you dread by linking it to something that matters to you, and get a much-needed push to finish the job. Ask yourself: What bigger goal of mine does this task connect to?

Have a game plan

Sometimes all that’s needed to give you a kick up the butt is a clear plan. Create an agenda to put your priorities in order and give you something to run with from the get-go.

Be task-driven, not time-driven

Focus on what you need to do, instead of how much time you have to do it. Breaking tasks down into bite-sized chunks is a great recipe for getting some ‘quick wins’ under your belt.

Get inspired on a daily basis

What can you read/watch/listen to/play to get a burst of optimism and good feeling each day?

Commit to being better

Don’t just look to get something done, aim to get it done better, faster, easier or with more energy. Not only will you get superb results, but you’ll also see a huge lift in your motivation and self-esteem.

Look at what you’ve done

Feeling a bit ‘meh’? One quick way to recapture your mojo is to look at your completed tasks. Ride the wave of your earlier successes and keep the momentum going to achieve even more.

Celebrate – you’re worth it!

Review your progress and celebrate each victory with a small reward, even something as simple as your favorite dessert. Knowing a reward is just around the corner gives you added drive to reach your goals.

Set ‘to-be’ tasks as well as ‘to-do’ ones

Include exercise and wellbeing activities alongside your usual work related to-dos. By building self-care into your week, you’re more likely to stay on top of weightier tasks and feel energized in the process.

Get close to your colleagues

Research shows that workplace friendships can increase productivity and job commitment. Spend time getting to know your co-workers. Go to lunch, grab a coffee or even hit the gym together.

Be positive, no matter what.

Focusing on the negatives of work (the pressure, deadlines) will zap your motivation and blind you to all the good stuff. Practice being upbeat every day and look for the hidden positives in every challenge.

Which of these 10 innovative tips get you moving? Got any special motivational tricks of your own? Then share them with your fellow Ayoa users below.

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